Is your idea of a perfect holiday a camping trip where you get to reconnect with nature?
Many people love going camping during the summer holidays in the many beautiful national parks and campsites around the country. A camping getaway can be a great way to unwind and reconnect with your family. Camping is not only fun, it has a huge range of other advantages as well.
If you have a small travel budget, going camping can be a great way to have a fun holiday for a lot less. Camping is a very inexpensive alternative to the traditional holiday. The cost per night at a campsite is much cheaper than a night in a hotel. Also, you will likely be cooking your own food over the campfire for at least a few of the nights of your camping holiday, which will be cheaper than dining in a restaurant.
Camping is usually a time when you go back to basics and enjoy simple pursuits such as reading, hiking, swimming and playing games together as a family. This will save you money as well because all of these activities don’t have to cost a thing! You won’t be tempted to blow your holiday budget at a high end sho
pping mall, expensive theme park or other pricey location.
Many people also find that they get a better sleep when they are on a camping holiday, because they are sleeping in the fresh air miles away from the noise and bustle of the city. A good night’s sleep will lower stress and benefit the immune system.
Also, while you are camping you will likely participate in activities such as swimming, hiking, rock climbing, canoeing and more. Increasing your physical activity is incredibly beneficial for your health and will help you to lower your blood pressure, lose weight, improve circulation, and strengthen your muscles and much more.
The peace and quiet and relaxing atmosphere of camping will also help to reduce your mental stress and enjoying the serenity of the great outdoors will make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated!
Benefits for Your Kids
Besides the financial and physical benefits that you will receive from camping, your children will also enjoy many advantages.
Children these days just don’t spend nearly as much time playing in the great outdoors as they used to a generation ago, especially with all of the exciting electronic devices like computers and video games which occupy their attention. According to a study by the National Wildlife Federation on children and their behaviours, the average time that any given child spends in the outdoors enjoying unstructured play is only four to seven minutes per day.
When you go camping, you allow your kids to reconnect with nature and play outside in the fresh air. They will be able to run wild, meet other children and set their imagination free. A camping trip might be just what your kids need!